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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

IMD4003: Exam Review Notes

  • For IMD 4003: Computer Animation, taught by Chris Joslin
  • Lecture 13 – Character Animation V

    • Walking and Locomotion: no drawing but certain elements are important (key positions)
    • Walking is the main (skipping and jumping are less significant)
    • Feet and Legs: shoulders opposing, motion of the legs are important
    • Hips, Spine and Shoulders: maintaining centre of gravity; opposing rotation, swinging of arms and head
    • Concept of Walking Forward
    • Not the concept of timing the walk (maybe giving a range? But doubtful)
    • Possible Question: How do different moods will affect posture style, stride length, personality, hips?
    • Stride and Gait will definitely be on it
    • Lower Body positions maybe but doubtful
    • Transitions are less important
    • Going up and down slopes will likely be a question
    • Details are less important in this lecture

    Lecture 14 – Match Moving 1

    • Nothing about software
    • Process is important (the diagram in the slides)
    • Make sure you know a broad overview of each step, not the intricate details
    • Pipeline is a good question (very important not to mix this with the process)
    • Perspective Matching:
      • Focal Length, Height of Camera, Distance from Cam and Scale of Object, Film Back
      • Understand the process
      • Steps for adding rough geometry

    Lecture 15 – Match Moving 2

    • Software process is an interesting thing
    • Photogrammetry is not as important but you should know
      • 3D, 2D projection: number of points you need to fix the rotation of the axis
      • Calculate degrees of freedom
      • Points of Intersect
      • Understand Parallax
    • 2D Tracking:
      • Anatomy
      • Key-framing
      • Minimum Number of Tracks and Stair-stepping
    • Plate Issues (MINOLS)

    Lecture 16 – Match Moving 3

    • Define Residuals
    • 2 Types of Lens Distortion
    • Masking
    • Checkerboards may be a 2-mark question

    Lecture 17 – Audio for Animation

    • Definitions in red: types of sounds (diegetic, etc)
    • Sound classifications
    • Sound Effects: 3 categories and explain
    • Examples are not replacements for answers
    • Visual and Audio Processing: less important
    • Time Perception: less important
    • Sound for Character Development: pitch shifting ,etc is a good question
    • Define Motifs and Lemotifs
    • Plausibility vs. Reality: okay question
    • Metaphoric Sound is an okay question – may ask for an example
    • Sound Design Theory is less important
    • Dialogue:
      • Walla will be on the exam
      • On-Screen Dialogue
      • Narration
      • Synthetic Languages maybe
      • Differences in Microphones
      • What’s a pop-shield
      • Sibilance and Plosives (maybe explain)

    Lecture 18 – Particle Systems

    • Many questions because it’s easy to ask them and its objective
    • Example of fuzzy phenomena
    • Generation (attributes; describe what is an emitter, particle, where it should be created, where the particle density is low; initial attributes like velocity, size, colour etc; understand, explain and regurgitate the equations), Dynamics (what forces may be applied, damping maybe, collisions maybe, other variables yes with an example) and Extinction (very good question – Age and Lifetime with 3 different ideas) are the most important
    • Rendering is less important
    • Metaballs is a 2-mark question
    • Uses are less important

    Lecture 19 – Motion Control 1

    • Bad set of slides so this lecture and next lecture will most likely be combined
    • Representation is important: describe the 3 types of representation
    • No Motion Capture
    • Time Manipulation yes (why we use them, what they are)
    • Motion Curves is not likely
    • Motion Retargeting might be on there (why we do it)
    • Path Editing is doubtful

    Lecture 20 – Motion Control 2


    • Equation in terms of slow-in and slow-out are important (1 question combined – may give the equation and ask you to describe what they are) or he’ll most likely give you the 2 types of equations and ask you to give the interpolation
    • Splines, etc


    • Equations won’t be on it
    • Concatenation equation will be a 4 mark question maybe
    • Vector Rotations equation is important
    • Why we do certain interpolations, why certain ones fail
    • LERP and SLERP are 2 main things we should for sure remember

    Lecture 22 – Dynamic Systems 1 (Cloth)

    • Do not remember Cloth equations
    • Understand spring damper, particle edge, how they’re connect, measured, assessed
    • May give you an equation and ask you what’s going on
    • Springs and Dampers: Computing Forces and Integrating Motions is a good question (steps)
    • Spring and Damping Constants
    • Forces equation is important – break it down
    • Calculating Forces (with the e) is less important because it’s complicated
    • Definitely break down aerodynamics question
    • Calculate drag
    • Give you fdrag equation and break it down
    • Won’t give you n* equation
    • Bending Forces
    • Plastics Deformations is a good question
    • Fracturing and Tearing is a good question
    • System Stability: remember 2 of them (he won’ tell you which ones) understand what they are but you should understand time-step and why we choose more complex equations
    • Other methods may be a 2-mark question at the end

    Lecture 23 – Dynamic Systems 2 (Fluids)

    Broken down into:

    • Dynamic Systems
      • Fluid Dynamics – vector fields (rate of change by…), 2D Vector function
      • Diff between fluid and particle system
      • 10-mark question; Break down the Navier-Stokes equation (remember the equation)
      • Diffusion (…) term – have a clear idea of what it is and an example
      • Cell representation is important – so understand it
    • Implementing Fluid Dynamics
    • Problems with Fluid Simulation
      • 2-mark question

    Lecture 24 – Dynamic Systems 3 (Hair)

    Original lecture notes can be found at: Wen Tang (choose the Wen Tang.ppt slides).


    Warren said...

    GAH! Been up all night with this shit. Why can't he be more specific! :P

    Thanks for taking these notes again tash. +5 Street cred