Measuring Crime and its Correlates
- Defining crime
- Measuring crime
- Prevalence rates, incidence rates, per capita crime rates (calculator)
- Ways of measuring crime
- Official statistics, victim surveys, self reports
- Problems with measuring crime
- Dark figure, winnowing effect, hierarchy issue
- Measuring crime correlates
- Pearson correlations
- Problems with measuring correlates (REC)
Biological and Sociological Theories of Crime
- Biological Theories of Crime (brief): focus on the primary causes of crime; what’s the evidence that exists in support of this theory; criticisms to theories. (No dates.)
- Lombroso’s Born Criminal
- Sheldon’s Somatotypes
- Jacob et al.’s Chromosomal Theory
- Twin studies
- Sociological Theories of Crime
- Merton’s Strain Theory – 5 modes
- Cohen’s Subculture Theory – not on the exam.
- Becker’s Labelling Theory
Psychological Theories of Crime
Understand the theory in general, what supports it, criticisms, evidence etc.
- Psychodynamic theories
- Freud’s id, ego, and superego
- Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation
- Glueck and Glueck’s work
- Hirschi’s control theories – list BAIC
- Learning theories
- Classical conditioning (know what the CR, CS, UCR, UCS etc)
- Operant conditioning – the four types of contingencies; impact of the behaviour; real-world examples.
- Eysenck’s bio-social theory
- Social learning theories
- Vicarious conditioning
- Sutherland’s differential association theory
- Akers’ social learning theory
Risk Assessment
- What is risk assessment? Know how it differs from the past.
- Static and dynamic (stable/acute) risk factors; provide examples.
- How can we carry out risk assessment?
- Clinical judgment, actuarial tools, structured clinical guidelines
- Are we good at assessing risk? Know the general trends.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches?
- Consistency, accuracy, accountability, validity
- How do we measure the accuracy of our risk assessments?
- ROC analysis – what the AUC is, how to interpret it, how to interpret the graph;
Offender Treatment
- Historical background
- What works in offender treatment
- Meta-analysis (know what this is, what an effect size is (magnitude and sign), how to interpret it).
- Punishment-based strategies
- Meta-analytic results
- Reasons why punishment doesn’t work (intensity, immediacy, etc)
- Principles of effective correctional treatment
- Risk, need, responsivity – be able to list, define and talk about studies
- Specific Populations: what populations work with RNR.
- Effective Correctional Workers – 5 important characteristics (high quality of approval, etc)
Young Offenders
- History of juvenile justice (focus more on the YCJA)
- Youth crime rates and sentencing
- Patterns but don’t memorize numbers
- Juvenile offending trajectories
- Talk about two trajectories – their commonality etc
- Theories of juvenile crime
- Risk and protective factors: list them
- Interventions for young offenders: list and give examples
- Internalizing and externalizing problems: list and give examples
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